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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Studying MY Music(a ramble)

The ornaments of your house will be the guests who frequent it.
- Anonymous

Studying MY Music(a ramble)

As I look through some of the brilliant scores written in the past, I am at the
stage(thank god)where I can ascertain subleties in arrangements or orchestrations..this makes looking at scores and playing through them very pleasurable...
Knowing some of the tricks of the trade helps me understand what type of "sound" the arrangers were "going after"
Switching genres from neo romantic classical to jazzy things, to pop geared scores helps a great deal.Instantly when one sees the first page,one gets an idea of the style...
There are tons of old stock arrangements out there, but most from the past were sold as indivual parts, and no master "score" was available, thus we have to sit down with blank pieces of orchestra sheets and copy each individual part down
to see what the big picture is..I also find this enjoyable.

A lot of times handwriting is an obstacle, in trying to decypher the notes, or poor photocopies of certain parts...and I end up having to study and re copy a piano
part, etc...especially if it is piano concerto style with so many notes.
Many like to read an orchestral score which has each instrument in its own respective key..
but I find that a score made in "concert"(all in the same key)is the best for me..
not that I cant figure out the transpositions, but at first glance its a puzzle. I want to see "Exactly" where each pitch is in relationship to the other instruments.For that reason, as well as being pianistic in nature, I may re-copy certain sections of interest to put all parts in "concert"...
all the same key that it sounds in when it is heard)I may even copy the bass part way down low or the piccolo part way up high, cause these sound automatically lower and higher by an octave respectively.

Enough of my rambling! Hope you enjoyed it!


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