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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ted Williams-Echoes of the Golden Voice

Ted Williams-Echoes of the Golden Voice

As most of you may know, it was only a few weeks ago that a homeless fellow
named Ted williams was photographed holding a sign up on a highway
in or around Columbus, Ohio..when a person with a cameraphone asked him to recite some golden throated announcing the sign Ted was holding up read "out of work announcer needs work"..or some such thing...after that, the photographer posted Ted reciting some lines on Youtube, an internet video site, and the fame of the homless man skyrocketed....Suddenly the nation adopted Mr. Williams as their mascot, and have been following his story.
Since that time, Ted has been offered various announcing jobs, and appeared on many talk shows....but the most pertinent one was Dr. was here where the doctor
proceeded to try to help Ted recognize the whys and wherefores of his homelessness, including a drug and alcohol problem....confrontations with his relatives, many of whom he abandoned, for whatever reason, and coming face to face admitting his own addictions.
This turned into a "saga" where Ted would alternately show and not show up for various tapings...even getting deatained by the police after a fight with his daughter at his Hollywood hotel room. The bottom line from Dr. Phil was to try and get Ted into rehab, of which some anonymous benefactor would pay to have this newly found internet star attend and complete.
After agreeing to enter rehab on his own volition, approximately 2 weeks later Ted "jumped ship" and took off for parts unknown...
MAny folks, including me, were following closely Ted's progress and rooting for him to pull his life together and get clean and sober, and kicking "butt" on the annoucning world...just as many, according to posts on the website, have said that Ted is a worthless person, who doesn't deserve any accolades or help, and is just a bum(once a bum, always a bum they state), and that "we told you so" and "go back to your freeway underpass and be the bum you are..."
So goes the divided feelings of the general public about this man who has the god given talent to do wonderful announcing, but falls, or has fallen back on his proimises to "Get straight"
As a few, but very few people who posted on TMZ, understand the nature of addiction- getting clean and sober after 20 years of being on the street -it's not all that simple...Its a long and arduous road.
It is going to take time, if it happens at all...and I, for one, am hoping that although Mr. Williams has taken a step backwards by leaving rehab, that he will
somehow get back on the right track and go back and finish up...
No one(except a chosen few, obviously) knows where Ted went, or where he is at the present time....
MAny say they know where he is...back on the street getting high...I'm afraid they are probably the newfound fame was too sudden and the pressure to great...thus treading familiar habits and ground may at the moment be more comforting...
but somehow I can't help feeling that it isn't over for Ted just yet, and that he still may pull out of this....I am rooting and praying for him...
Hope springs eternal.

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